There are two worlds that we need to effectively manage in our lives in order that we remain successful. One of these worlds is the present and the other is our future. Both of these worlds are interrelated. Our future can only be created from the present but rarely are we able to create our future when the present is messed up by our past.
This programme is designed to help you deal with your present by unhooking the things that happened in the past, which are holding and preventing you from move ahead in life. When you life is free of the shadows of the past, you could then begin to chart and building your future with the present as your starting point.
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, you are able to:
- Manage your present with what you already have
- Charting and build your future from the present
Course Outline
Part 1: Managing the Present with What You Already Have
We have everything at our disposal to make it in life. Didn’t we survive our last birthday? Aren’t we doing alright at the moment? However, ‘alright’ is not always better. It is always good to uncover the things that are holding us back so that we could do even better in life. Our lives could be built from learning and self-discoveries, and this is the true nature of life.
Something is Not Working – Using ‘Tension’ as an Early Warning Devise
There are occasions in our lives when everything seems to fall apart. Most of us confront them by adopting strategies that may alleviate the discomforts these occasions brought on to us. Others just run away believing that they would go away at some point of time. Seldom do we recognize that the stress we experience comes about because situations have changed and our major life strategies no longer work.
In this module, we will play a game called the ‘The Journey to Kinderland’. In the game we will learn to use our body to inform us of things that are not working properly.
Where is it Not Working – Identifying the Source of the TensionWhen we know something is not working, we usually put in more effort, time and money to turn it around, only to be disappointed because things get from bad to worse. So, what is wrong here? Actually, nothing is wrong. We are just blinded to the source that creates these tensions.
In this segment, we will learn the source of our problem by uncovering the drivers that derail us from our happiness. We will complete the Personal Derailment Profile, which may point us to the specific drivers that are causing the stress in our lives.
Looking for the Gaps – Things that You Could Do
No future could be built at any other time but today. Therefore, understanding the concept of time is very important and the question we must ask is what we should do to move ahead in life.
In this module, we will learn the true nature of time and its impact on your future. We will also complete the Linking Skills Profile to discover the skill sets we need to make the future more precise.
Part 2: Working Your Future from the Present
Once we become aware of what is in the past that is ruining our present, we can now look at what we could do now to create our future.
Envisioning Your Future – Getting the Fog Out of the Way
We cannot talk about our future until we could see how it looks like. Once we have an image of the future, we get to be inspired by it, motivated by it, and our aspirations could propel us to great heights.
In this segment, we will spend time creating our own vision board. Through the board, we attempt to make as clear as possible our true desires and we represent these with pictures to enhance the clarity and impulse for them.
Translating Talk into Tangibles – Setting My Plans
We cannot talk about our future. It carries no value. We have to build our future from today, that is, it has to be now. This means that we need to have a plan. The plan calls on us to work towards a goal and it tells us if we are ahead or behind in our pace today into our future.
In this module, we will use a multitude of templates to work out a set of plans that we could implement immediately. If fact, we can begin to call on resources and support using the programme to kick-start our plan, inching a step towards fulfilling a breakthrough life. In order words, we are innovating our lives.
Breaking Out of the Box - Barriers to Your Innovated Life
'Think outside the box' is one of those management jargons that has been wildly circulated and widely used in many learning communities in the world.
But what does it really mean? What is the 'box' mentioned in the phrase? We have included an 'outside' in the maxim, how does the inside looks like? Since we know we need to 'think' to get out, then what kind of thinking should we use to do that?
In this module, we will learn the types of barriers we may be pre-disposed to and we will rely on the Opportunity-Obstacle Quotient Profile to gain this insight.
Copyright 2009. Anthony Mok. All Rights Reserved.
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